We would like to thank the following for their generous support of this Memorial Concert Series:
Peggy Passarell ImpactAds.net
Aladdin Theater
Belmont Station
Candlelight Café & Bar
Cascade Bar & Grill
Cascade Blues Association
Echo Audio
Garrison's Fine Wines
Music Millennium
Oregon Music News
Original Halibut's
The Heathman Hotel
New Seasons Market
Portland Powder Coating
Delehoy College Counseling
Trail's End Saloon
Designer Visuals
Live At The Roadhouse
"Now, this is a hefty package! There are great performances all over these
sets." - from Uncle Ray's Vinyl Scavanger Hunt
On February 8-12, 1984, four outstanding Northwest blues and r&b bands
converged at the Jolly Roger Roadhouse in Seattle, Washington. The talent
of these musicians who have been playing out of the Northwest, some for
more than 20 years, was captured on tape for this historic compilation album.
It is the first of its kind to feature only blues and r&b players of
the Northwest.
"Bigtime Bluesman," Isaac Scott, originally from Arkansas and
now a leading blues artist in the area, brought his electric gospel blues
to the stage. "
Also playing the skidroad bars of Seattle's First Avenue in the early '70s
was Tom McFarland. Originally from Oregon, McFarland moved from Seattle
to the Bay Area where his original topical tunes, and his jazz-influenced
guitar work, made him a popular contemporary bluesman [who] has toured and
played with the likes of Otis Rush, John Lee Hooker and Lightin' Hopkins.
Another Oregonian, harp player and vocalist Paul deLay, started playing
in folk and jug bands some fifteen years ago. Eventually he settled into
blues and r&b with the Portland band, Brown Sugar. Today deLay delivers
a steady and very popular dose of danceable blues and vintage r&b. Check
out his jumpin' version of "Tiger In Your Tank."
Curtis Salgado for more than five years played with bluesman Robert Cray.
It was while playing with Cray that Salgado so impressed John Belushi and
Dan Ackroyd that they dedicated their first Blues Brothers album to him.
Salgado's strong and earthy vocals are perfect for his '60s soul sound which
is exemplified here in "I Got To Find A Way."
There was no place more fitting for this historic recording than the Jolly
Roger Roadhouse. It has a history all its own. Originally named the China
Castle, the Roadhouse was constructed during Prohibition. Atop the building
is a two-tiered tower from which a guard could alert patrons to impending
police raids. Since the repeal of Prohibition laws, the China Castle has
been renamed the Jolly Roger Roadhouse and has become a thriving legitimate
restaurant and music venue. In the past two years it has become a Northwest
blues headquarters for players and fans from many parts of North America.
The right players and the right club were major components in the making
of Live At The Roadhouse. So do what the audiences did on those rainy,
chilly February nights-witness, get down, dance or just listen to a bit
of living history.
- Roberta Penn, Seattle, WA - Spring 1984
Click here to order this title on CD